ISDM Training in Sep/Oct 2020

The schedules of ISDM training in Sep/Oct 2020 are as follows:


(for all University staff members)

  1. Date/Time: Oct 16, 2020, 1530-1700 (rerun)

Venue: CPD-2.19, The Jockey Club Tower

Language: English (Cantonese will be used if there will be no English-speaking participant)

HKUEMS registration: Please click here. *


[ISDM-IS-ISU1] Info. Security (I) – Misconceptions and Commonly Overlooked Issues

(for all University staff members)

  1. Date/Time: Oct 8, 2020, 1530-1700 (rerun)

Venue: CPD-2.37, The Jockey Club Tower

Language: English (Cantonese will be used if there will be no English-speaking participant)

HKUEMS registration: Please click here. *


[ISDM-IRM-AIP] AIP Workshop – as easy means for confidential/restricted data/information protection


(for all University staff members)

  1. Date/Time: Sep 24, 2020, 0930-1200 (rerun)

Venue: KB-110, Main Campus – Knowles Building

Language: Cantonese 

HKUEMS registration: Please click here. *


  1. Date/Time: Oct 30, 2020, 0930-1200 (rerun)

Venue: KB-110, Main Campus – Knowles Building

Language: Cantonese 

HKUEMS registration: Please click here. *



(* HKU Portal login is required.)

Data Owners/Stewards/Custodians/Users and ISDM Departmental Coordinators are cordially invited for the above training sessions. Meanwhile, if you think that some other colleagues in your department (such as the potential Data Stewards/Custodians/Users) would also have the interest/needs to attend the above-mentioned training sessions, please forward this email to them so that they can use the HKUEMS links to enroll to the courses.


COVID-19 arrangement

As the COVID-19 outbreak is still a pandemic, we require our members to strictly adhere to and note the following:

1) All members will be required to wear a facemask during the event.  Members without a facemask may be refused to enter the classroom.

2) Members returning to Hong Kong who have been to any overseas countries/areas in the past 14 days must avoid attending the event, and according to CHP, are subject to at least 14 days self-quarantine requirement after the date of their return. 

3) When multiple participants are entering to the classroom, they should keep a physical distance of at least 1.5m apart from each other, and sit apart with one seat space.


Thank you for your support in ISDM Policy implementation.



Bunny Wong

Data and Security Team

Information Technology Services