Table of Cotents
Physical Access Security
For physical environments hosting University’s restricted and confidential institutional data/information and associated information technology resources, Data Owners, through the respective Data Custodians responsible for operating such physical environments, shall ensure that adequate access security is implemented, including but not limited to the following components where appropriate:
(a) Facility security plan;
(b) Physical entry control, and procedures for verifying access authorisations prior to physical access;
(c) Need-to-know procedures for personal physical access;
(d) Maintenance records, e.g., infrastructure changes that may have security impact;
(e) Equipment control (into and out of site);
(f) Sign-in for visitors and escort (where appropriate);
(g) Evacuation plan and data/information asset protection plan in the case of emergency situations; and
(h) Testing and, where necessary, revisions of physical access controls (to provide assurance of proper functioning).
Environmental Security
For physical environments hosting University’s restricted and confidential institutional data/information and associated information technology resources, Data Owners, through the respective Data Custodians responsible for operating such physical environments, shall be protected against damage from natural and man-made environmental risks (e.g., fire, flood, wind, power source, temperature, etc.), where appropriate.
Relevant Data Custodians shall carry out monitoring of environmental conditions for physical environments hosting University’s restricted and confidential institutional data/information and associated information technology resources, covering, for example, the following components:
(a) Alarm and emergency systems;
(b) Air conditioning (temperature and humidity);
(c) Electrical power supply;
(d) Fire and smoke detection and control;
(e) Loading, grounding and other structural protection;
(f) Uninterrupted Power Supply installations; and
(g) Water leakage.