DDAS User Manuals – Map SharePoint as a network drive

1. Map DDAS SharePoint as a network drive

By mapping DDAS SharePoint as a network drive, you may:

  • Connect DDAS as a network drive letter (e.g.  drive “Z:”);
  • Read/write/edit/copy documents as working in a conventional drive.

Please be reminded that when working files mapped as a network drive:

  • Web applications, e.g. MS Word web app, will not work;
  • When copying files to other media, e.g. local C: drive, it will be treated as downloaded into your local PC. If documents are protected by Information Rights Management (IRM), document-level IRM protection shall be applied.
  • If you may want to edit files stored in DDAS as network drive, please use MS Office “Check-out” / “Check-out” feature to preserve the DDAS access rights.

2. Add DDAS as “Trusted sites”

2.1 Run Windows “Setting” by clicking gear wheel on Windows start button. 

2.2 In the Windows Setting, search “Internet option”. 

2.3 Click the tab “Security” and select the zone “Local intranet” -> button “Sites” -> “Advanced”.

2.4 Input “https://isdm.workspace.hku.hk” into the textbox “Add this website to the zone” and press “Add”.

2.5 “https://isdm.workspace.hku.hk” will be appeared in the textbox of “Websites”.


3. Use File Explorer to connect DDAS as a network drive

3.1 Run “File Explorer”.

3.2 Select “This PC” and “Computer”. 

3.3 Press button “Map network drive”.

3.4 The following dialogue box will be appeared. You may select the letter of “Drive” (e.g. “Z:”) and enter path of the DDAS folder, e.g. “https://isdm.workspace.hku.hk/sites/dept1/SL1”.

Please choose “Reconnect at sign-in”.

3.5 The following dialogue box will be displayed and prompt for sign-in. Please login by using HKU Portal UID (e.g. XXX@hku.hk) and password. Check “Remember my credential”.

Press “OK” to connect DDAS.

4. The network drive will be shown in File Explorer.

5. Useful hints. You may consider to “pin” DDAS in “Quick Access”.

5.1 Right-click the network drive and select “Pin to Quick access”.

5.2 You may access DDAS network drive in “Quick access”, which can save time to locate it.


Data and Security Team, ITS, 18 Jan 2019.